(enchant: ?page, (text-colour: black) + (background: white))
<marquee behavior=scroll direction="right" scrollamount="999"> whateevr i type goes fast </marquee>
<center>You are in a hallway. You see two doors: the [[the door on the right]] and the [[the door in the middle]]
</center>Why is there a door in the middle?
Oh, I don't know
[[get the fat]]
[[Pick up a bean]]
[[dont pick up a bean]]
</center>You pick up the bean
[[eat the bean]]
[[dont eat the bean]]You continue on with your magical journey into fairyland
[[talk with the pixies]]
[[talk with the elves]]you eat the bean and turn into iron man
IRON ENDINGYou continue on with your magical journey into fairyland
[[talk with the pixies]]
[[talk with the elves]]You get the fat and it makes you immune to salmonella
[[but why?]]
[[lick a doorknob to test it]]You try to go back but the door locks behind you.
[[pick up the fat]]
[[walk into a wall]]You get the fat and it makes you immune to covid-19
[[but why?]]
[[lick a doorknob to test it]]You walk into a wall and warp into a land of pixies and happy singing disney stuff.
[[talk with the elves]]
[[talk with the pixies]] Because... I don't actually know.
[[then why did you write that?]]You lick a doorknob and take a salmonella test.
After 1 day, the test comes out positive!
[[but why?]]I don't know, it was funny
[[no it wasn't]]You do know I have the power to kill you
[[Oh yeah? try me.]](text-colour:green)[You have died of dysentery.]
go back to the [[start]]Pixie: What the hell is a human doing here?
Human: I'm just um-
Pixie: Get the hell out!
Human: Alright I'm just leavin-
Pixie: Pulls out a club with rusty nails on it
[[run away]]
[[fight the pixie]]Elf: Well hi, chum!
[[punch the stupid elf]]
[[say something back]]
You try to run away but trim on a singing mushroom and get beaten to death by the pixie
BEATEN TO DEATH ENDINGYou punch the pixie and it smashes all over your hand
[[wash off the blood in the magical happy river]]
[[talk with the elves]]You wash your hands and the river turns red. The song everyone is singing suddenly turns very dark. The song is now about how you are a murderer who will stop at nothing to kill everything in sight. Everyone is screaming and running and killing each other to survive. The sky turns dark and the ground starts shaking.
[[accept your fate]]You punch the elf and his head explodes in a bloody mess
[[wash off the blood in the magical happy river]] But what will you say?
[[Where is the treasure?]]
[[take me to your leader]]
[[hi pal, chum, buddy, friendo!]]Elf: Ok, I don't know what you're talking about but if you want to see the singing disney animals walk to the left
[[walk to the left]]
[[walk to whatever the opposite of left is]]You get the fat and it makes you immune to salmonella
[[but why?]]
[[lick a doorknob to test it]]Elf: I am the leader. *pulls out a head blaster and shoots your head off*
HEAD BLOWN OFF ENDINGElf: Hi, acquaintance, ally, associate, buddy, classmate, colleague, companion, cousin, partner, roommate, chum, cohort, compatriot
comrade, consort, crony, familiar, intimate, mate, pal, playmate
schoolmate, sidekick, spare!
[[did you just type friend into thesaurus.com?]]
[[punch the stupid elf]] Elf: No, these were all memorized in my head! I am insane!
[[punch the stupid elf]]
[[punch the stupid elf]] You see bambi's mom singing about how wonderful life is
[[shoot her head off]]
[[start singing with her]]Bambi's mom runs towards you. You cannot escape, since deer are very fast. You feel something smashing through your chest. You see a deer head poking through your chest, before collapsing to the ground.
BAMBI'S MOM KILLED YOU ENDINGOH! So that's how bambi's mom died!
YOU TURNED INTO A DISNEY CHARACTER ENDINGYou kill a hedgehog singing about how it will die.
You suddenly feel a pain in your chest on collapse on the ground.
DARK ENDINGYou feel a pain in your chest on collapse on the ground.
You are in a hallway. You see two doors: the the door on the right and the the door in the middle
You are in a hallway. You see two doors: the the door on the right and the the door in the middle